Sunday 17 January 2010

Some of the finer things in life

One thing I really look forward to whenever I am back is being hosted by our friends the Williams'. Whether it is fine wines, French cheese, Brazilian coffee, single malt whiskys, the best of classical music, the Williams have it...

During our poker game last week, Matthew, brought out his 21st present which was a bottle of 1987 Meerlust, cabernet sauvignon (see link below). I couldn't even try to be a wine connoisseur, but it really was brilliant. After maturing for over 20 years, what else would you expect? We then tasted a selection of other wines from that period. One only had about 5 minutes to drink the wine, as it was oxidizing so quickly after all those years in the bottle. One was corked-something new I learn't from Roger is that corked means there is a virus in the cork.

Anyway, we continued our game, of which I managed to regain my $5, but lost out on a potential $40!

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