Wednesday 16 December 2009

Coffee Break

I have really been putting in the study hours this week; knowing well in the back of my head that it is not quantity but quality that matters... however, I feel I am making some headway with my subjects. Just got back from a day at Wheatley campus (worst thing about Brookes-it's where the business school is located and half an hour bus ride away). Taking a short break, then up to the library to crack on with some micro. Two exams on Friday and one on Saturday-horrendous planning by the university, but c'est la vie and have to get on with it.

Oxford continues to amaze me-I have joined the Bodleian library which is a copyright library meaning that it is entitled to every single book that is published in the UK-about 6 in the world if I am correct (or UK??). I primarily work in the social science library, which is incredible-awesome building (excuse the terrible use of the word), and got everything from Zimbabwe economics journals, to every development book I can think of. In fact, you can order a book from any of the university libraries theoretically meaning that I can access any book ever published-how's that compared to the 15000 book volume Falcon library??

I would really like to spend some time in elder years I think, spending time using all these magnificent facilities.

Right, enough library talk, and lets have some library action!

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