Thursday, 10 June 2010

Finished Oxford Brookes University

Well, I have now finished at Brookes... Graduation on 24th June... what awaits now? Well, for the time being, the feeling hasnt really sunk in yet, although I feel a tinge of despair occasionally, when I get a break from BMW, thinking, that.... the work life has now started!! No more lazy lie in's, or parties that go on all night, and doesnt matter if you late for lectures (or wreaking of alcohol!!

But, I think Brookes has prepared me well... Not just academically, but I feel I have become more worldly, more purposeful, and perhaps, more resourceful... Time will tell though... For now, am just enjoying the brilliance of Oxford... Attending talks by world leading professors, trying to plan my travels, and arranging final drinks with some people, who sadly, may not see for a long time yet...

I will write the first of my essays 'on leaving university' in the next couple of months...

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