Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Onto the final straight

After a long flight back to the UK, I got the bus back to Oxford and was literally freezing cold... The boiler had stopped working due to it being switched off over the holiday, and so we had no hot water or heating for five days! My grandfather's adage was 'suffer a bit' and this certainly was suffering! But, the plumber came and sorted it on Monday and that raised spirits-it's amazing how we often find satisfaction in the smaller things in life...

I didn't have much of a break as lectures started the next day and with the reading already piling on, we're into the last semester! EVER of undergraduate study! pretty daunting, but also exciting I suppose in that you move out of this protected, comfortable environment into the 'real world' as they say... A lot of final years are applying for postgrads-which is not surprising given the recession and few jobs. I am slowly gathering together a plan for when I leave, but so many options-travel, post grad, work???

Well, the plane has been taxying on the runway, and now, is gathering momentum in order to take-off in May. It is all in my hands. From the last set of results, I am just below a first-in order to get into a postgrad, I need to get a first. But with only four marks left, and some challenging modules to tackle, it will be a serious challenge. But then, what is life without challenges?

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