Tuesday, 17 November 2009

The ending of Capitalism?

I read an Independent article recently which was comparing Obama's failing in Afghanistan to that of Gorbechev in the 1980's. The latter effectively brought communism to a shuddering halt, and will the US failure bring an end to capitalism? Ironically, last week 'commemmorated' the tearing down of the berlin wall. Afghanistan has NEVER lost to a foreign invader-would that send shivers down your spine if you were a politician? And will sending in more troops bring more success? In 1985, Russia had over 100,000 troops in the country, and that was their deadliest year-If Obama sends in an extra 40,000 as planned, it will equal what the Russians have...

Enough of the politics...

Went to an Oxford Union speaker event last night-Michael Humphreys who cycled 50,000 miles around the world in 4 years. Ironically, when I was at school in about form 2, I remember reading an article about someone who was going to cycle the world and would take him 4 years-funny if it was the same chap! Really good speaker, and most interesting-I ended up having dinner with him afterwards at the Union by chance...

Rugby match against Brasenose College today-By the time I came on just before half-time, we were already over 30 nill down! Anyway, I personally had quite a good match, scoring my first try for St. Peters.

Am blogging in the Kitchen, sipping on a scotch and waiting for the chicken to defrost-ready to try out one of Jamie Oliver's Chicken ala King recipes off the internet-starting to get a knack for cooking which mum would be proud of!!

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