Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Halfway through year 2

Well, the first semester of year two has nearly come to an end-just one more exam and I'm done. I feel like a soldier returning home after a stint at the front line having been bunged up with a cold for about three weeks from this terrible weather and tendonitis in my hand (a strain caused from in my case rowing)-have taken a week off because of that and in good time, because of exams. I have to do the 2k test tomorrow though which I hope to do well in.

Saw the X-factor final last Saturday which is a really good talent, show like idols, not that I'm really into these things, but the talent displayed is incredible. I wander how many people that have great talent out there, but dont have the opportunity to use it? I think that if one believes they have a special talent in anything such as singing, speaking, writing etc then they must not be afraid to go to great lengths, in order to pursue it-success will come at a cost though and this separates winners from losers.

Leaving on Saturday and will be back on Sunday for a dose of warm weather and open space!

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