Saturday 27 March 2010

Lies, damned lies...

With the prospect of a hung parliament looming, Brown and the Labour party feel they have a strong possibility of remaining in Downing Street. Labour has a 'machoivillian mindset' and it seems it is working.

Let's separate facts from fiction... Britain has a fiscal deficit of nearly 200 billion pounds. This means that they have spent 200 hundred billion than they have received. And yet Darling's pre-election budget has promised 'halving' the deficit... and the electorate seem to believe him.

Since coming into power, labour have slyly modified the electoral system, providing a huge buffera against losses. There are traditionally 600 constituencies in the UK. But Labour have combined some conservative strongholds of two into one constituency, whereas they have expanded Labour's from 1 into 2. This means, that give or take a few, Labour can lose to the conservatives by nearly 10% and still have a majority!

But, one wanders if the conservatives can do any better? Recent repots suggest otherwise. In the elections probably on May 6th, Britain goes to vote. I won't.

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