Saturday 27 February 2010

Student Elections

I am still trying to understand the rational for holding student elections at Brookes. Year in, year out, those running for office put out campaigns (see link) setting out their manifestos about how great they are going to make the university and better our lives as students. My concern, is firstly, how can the electorate, i.e. the students who vote, hold the committee accountable for their promises, if they are only in power for one year-perhaps by some student riot or something which will undoubtedly be quelled by the newly funded Brookes 'community officers'. But, for this to happen, you have to get the students out of bed (who are probably hungover). Secondly, how are they going to get the money to put their plans in order when it seems the university is cutting costs everywhere (including shutting down the SU)? So, when the ballot boxes open, it should be a good opportunity for some well earned sleep.

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