Wednesday 16 December 2009

Coffee Break

I have really been putting in the study hours this week; knowing well in the back of my head that it is not quantity but quality that matters... however, I feel I am making some headway with my subjects. Just got back from a day at Wheatley campus (worst thing about Brookes-it's where the business school is located and half an hour bus ride away). Taking a short break, then up to the library to crack on with some micro. Two exams on Friday and one on Saturday-horrendous planning by the university, but c'est la vie and have to get on with it.

Oxford continues to amaze me-I have joined the Bodleian library which is a copyright library meaning that it is entitled to every single book that is published in the UK-about 6 in the world if I am correct (or UK??). I primarily work in the social science library, which is incredible-awesome building (excuse the terrible use of the word), and got everything from Zimbabwe economics journals, to every development book I can think of. In fact, you can order a book from any of the university libraries theoretically meaning that I can access any book ever published-how's that compared to the 15000 book volume Falcon library??

I would really like to spend some time in elder years I think, spending time using all these magnificent facilities.

Right, enough library talk, and lets have some library action!

Friday 11 December 2009

Shakira in Oxford

The Oxford Union continues to invite many high profiled speakers. Last week, Shakira came. I was working on security and so got entry, but the debating chamber, where it was held, attracted over 600 students (supposed to only carry about 300 people). Personally, I wasnt really interested in the talk, but interesting to meet such a high profiled, and glamorous celebrity.

Watch the youtube video (link below) to get an idea of the union, and of course her talk.

Sunday 6 December 2009

A trip to Essex

It has been a very lazy, unproductive weekend. Went for some drinks on Friday, which turned into Clems (nightclub) and only got in at 3 in the morning. Up at 7.30am to go to a friends farm in Essex who was shooting ducks. I went along as a beater to make the ducks fly-which is a bit of a demeaning job, but quite fun none-the-less. Good lunch, then back to Oxford. A bit of work in the evening, watched highlights of the Barbarians game which was brilliant then bed. Not much done today-fixed a tire puncture and did a bit of work-other than that nothing. Think I will put an end to partying until exams sometime this week!

Only two more weeks till exams are finished-crikey! Feeling somewhat unprepared, but am sure that it will all fall into place with some hard work.

Off to work now till eleven-hopefully won't be too busy-Shakira speaking at the Union tomorrow which should be interesting..