Tuesday 29 September 2009

Freshers week

Freshers week is the introductory week for first years into the university system-it mainly comprises of lots of partying, drinking, sussing out new ladies etc. As overrated as I feel it is, I do enjoy it because it is a chance to catch up with friends, party excessively, and still find time during the day to settle in to new houses, meet with tutors (though blearly faced), organize module programmes etc. When lectures actually start, you've got most of the rubbish out of the system and can really get down and focus.

I have decided to quit rowing this year-I ummd and arrd about it over the summer, but still trained to do it, then decided the other day against it. I felt I am too small for it (even 6ft as I am) and found that it took a huge amount of time out of my week, and it is not the sport you derive any pleasure out of when doing socially-it is one of those committments where you are either in or you're out... I joined rugby league and really enjoying it so far-it is far more laid back (only a couple of training sessions per week) and seems much more social-some of the war cries are hilarious-too explicit to publish on a blog though...

Some wise words from John Kay (I have been reading some of his books lately) who studied and lectures at Oxford...

From 'the truth about markets'

Much economic theory is based on perceptions that humans are 'self regarding species'. However, Kay says,

''It is not true that profit is the purpose of a market economy, and the production of goods and services is a means to it: the purpose is the proeduction of goosa and services, profit the means. The happiest people are not those who single-mindedly pursue happiness; the most profitable companies are not the most profit-oriented...The song and flight of birds displays a beauty and efficiency of design which waas not part of the intenthion of the birds... Sometimes we understand best when we don't try too hard to understand""

I think too much we are fixated on achieving something specific, and wander why it doesn't happen. Perhaps best to do what you enjoy doing, and with a bit of luck, good things will emerge...

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