I raced in the novice eight category (pictured 2nd from back), and won the race fairly convincingly which was is always nice, and backed up with a spell of really sunny weather which was nice. Should be having the presentation ceremony in a few weeks time. Did our 2k race last week and got a time of 6.35 which is a big improvement from last time.
I am reading 'Confessions of an economic hitman' at the moment, and would recommend to anyone. Basically, EHM (abbreviations) are really well paid people who go into mainly developing countries to build empires for corporates in the developed world. Sometimes, they will get loans (provided by world bank) and get top US engineering and construction companies the contracts, and then to charge them interest on the loans, forcing them to default, and then taking control of more of the countries resources/set up military bases etc. 'Corporatocracy' include banks, governments and corporates and they have an empire in the west. I now understand how the British education system works-same story-loans extended to students, force them into debt and make them work for a corporate, meanshile feeding the empire billions!
So why work for a big fancy corporate/bank? Why not go and start your own thing/help developing countries get around the greedy hand of these economic hitmen? And I think that is what I am striving to achieve.
Easter break coming up which I am really looking forward to, and then exams and summer!